Filter Removed the gives is not an argument for tehnical issues

Filters are turned off without a basis or reason, the same thing happened before, 20 filters turned off and 3 blocked , I think I’m retiring from the game, I think a year is enough time spent. Greetings to all creators and the effect House team ,


Hi @relaxnoname. Sorry to read that you’re thinking of retiring. As an effect creator myself, I understand your frustration. While we work on resolving this issue, you can send the Effect IDs to us using this form and we can look into restoring the effects :archi_happy:


Mr.Mingus thank you,all my effects are created in effect house with love,i spent a lot of time on each filter because i work with Microsoft painting 2D and 3D All my works were created there.I usse my painting knowledge to Effect House i created 750 effect unique.For makeup,i create a mask filter through painting from a real person to a fantasy. thats how 3 D is born.I would be sorry to give up.Howeer for no reason,im´ losing the will to continue working.Thank you for your quick response and understanding.Greeatings to all Creators and the entire Effect House team


We would be sorry if you stopped creating effects! Please be sure to send your IDs to the link I shared above and we can look into the taken down effects :pray:


@Mingus I also have the same problems, 5 effects blocked for a month, on your advice I sent feedback but no one replied to me, the effects are still blocked. That’s why I gave up creating effects, too much work and a thousand problems. I hope that everything will be resolved with more transparency so that I can get back to creating.


@Mingus Below is one of the effects that was blocked after a few days and never unlocked again. As you can see, it’s a simple effect where there are 3D objects created with blender and graphics simply processed with photoshop, nothing more.


Sorry to hear that so many developers have serious problems. I’m a new developer with a couple of effects only, and certainly there are issues! Some of my effects stopped working properly (hair material just doesn’t render on standard face mesh any more, most likely some new bug in the TikTok app itself), and when I submit updated versions they just stay “Under review”. So broken experience is visible to everybody and seems like fixes are just not going through. Quite annoying. It just feels that the platform is not ready for developers at this stage, or then it’s heavily under resourced to handle reviews and bugs. That’s sad, since Effect House is very nice way of building effects - but it’s just not worth it if effects can’t be released and updated properly.


I also think that the operators of Effect House are few compared to the amount of work. They are overly loaded and would need help.


I am facing the same problem.

Many effects are being removed one after another due to technical problems with TikTok, and when I contact support, they keep saying “we are looking into it” and the problem has not been resolved for about a month.

This is a serious problem.


Yep 2 of my filters got turned off forno reason either. I also have been eligible for my silver and profile frame badge and Amazon gift card since August. I am now eligable for my platinum profile title. I have received none of my Rewards. Ive been submitting weekly tickets since August. I understand issues can take a while to fix but ive literally been waiting 4 months now. :cry: :sob: :crying_cat_face:


Hi @Heidi_Pedersen! I have talked to the user support team that you were talking to. Are you now eligible for the frames? Your Effect House home screen should show you which badge you currently have.

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@Heidi_Pedersen As you may already know, to receive a gift card, an effect has to be used in at least 600 videos, each by a different user, within 14 days after your first effect is published


To be continued, the filters are turned off and sent for revision for technical reasons, in the meantime I lose the will to work because it is not motivation in general. I will continue when these problems are solved, I believe that I am not the only one who is affected by the situation. is but I don’t have access to it, to send further complaints to the support doesn’t occur to me because they have all the data and so far everything has worked normally.It’s a situation where you have it but you don’t have it. Greetings to the effect house team and all the creators.


So you’ve decided to give up too… let’s hope that things will work out, unfortunately the problems aren’t just about technical problems, there are many other things that aren’t right. Let’s hope that everything will be fine with time, I liked working with Effect house.
ps: after a month as a test I tried to publish two new filters, the situation is worse than before, visibility is almost totally absent. For now, it’s best to stay at rest.


Same thing here two of my effects reaching almost 300k+ videos just removed for no reason. I’ve even added a preview video as some posted suggested but still removed.

I was wonder if its ok to repost those effects? @Mingus


I think you’d better wait, reposting means starting from scratch, it’s not certain that you’ll get to 300k video posts again


@DaddyProgrammer If you haven’t already, please reach out using this form and be sure to include the Effect IDs for both of the effects you had taken down.


Thanks for informing us fellow developers. I will follow up on this case very carefully, since as a developer it really doesn’t make sense to put any further effort into TikTok effects if the effects can just vanish without explanations. I also have 2 effects pending critical updates (because something broke in the app itself, and I had to fix my effects), and for sure I have sent support requests with effect IDs and videos as asked. Basically nothing happens. And it’s just about allowing those updates to flow through, not asking much!


The impression I get is that support is severely short staffed since the platform (Effect House) is still relatively new


yes I think so too …