Urgent: Disappeared Effects and Regional Restriction Issue


I am reaching out because several effects I created have disappeared from my TikTok account. While I can still see them listed under Manage Effects on my PC, attempting to open them via the mobile app using their QR codes results in the message: “This effect is not available in your region.”

To clarify:

  • My TikTok account is set to France, and I am currently located in France.
  • These effects were created in France, under compliance with your platform’s policies.

This raises significant concerns:

  1. Why are my effects suddenly region-restricted when there has been no change in my account or geographical location?
  2. Is this a glitch, or are there new restrictions affecting creators in France?

I must express my deep frustration with this situation. It undermines the time, effort, and creativity invested in building content on your platform. Despite its potential, TikTok’s inconsistent management of creator tools and resources often leaves creators like myself feeling unsupported and undervalued.

I urge you to look into this matter promptly and provide a clear explanation for these issues. Additionally, I request steps to restore full access to my effects for both myself and my audience.

Thank you for addressing this concern. I look forward to your swift response.


agree! for no reason it happens with some regions and I even can’t clarify which exactly. This problem exists long time…


**des réponses automatique pour des questions qui revient souvent …

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