Hello guys, a curiosity, how many of you really after the affiliation Effect House have managed to get 500k videos published with their own effect to have the bonus of 700 dollars?
If you came back, what percentage of the number of effects published after so much hard work?
There is one thing I want to say, one thing that many people think but don’t want to say.
The monetization parameters on EH should be reviewed, considering that after the goal of affiliation the views of the effect are greatly reduced. Reaching the goal of 500k in 90 days is an impossible mission, except for a few lucky cases (maybe 1% of creators).
TikTok rightly rewards only the best creators who post quality effects, but quality should be rewarded with quality. TikTok pays $700 for 500k post effect published or $0.0014 per effect, I think it’s an almost humiliating figure for those who spend hours of hard work to design effects. Reaching this goal is very difficult, even for the best.
700$ : 500.000post = 0,0014$ for post
I wrote this post for everyone who thinks about it but has never written it clearly.
The question is, is it worth designing filters for the purpose of monetizing? The answer is no. I will continue to design effects because I enjoy it, but I will definitely focus my energy to monetize on something else.