Reduce Monetization Threshold from 100,000 to 50,000

Creating content and developing creative effects on TikTok is a great joy for me. However, the current requirement to reach 100,000 video uses before unlocking the monetization feature is quite challenging.It’s difficult to achieve this milestone, and in the meantime, a lot of time and effort is spent. We love having fun, but we also have bills to pay and families to support.Therefore, I kindly request that the requirement for effect usage be reduced to 50,000 videos. This change would not only boost the motivation of creators like myself but also encourage more creativity on the platform.Thank you for your support, TikTok. :pray:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركات يااستاذ الناس اللي يدرسو ويفهمو بسسرعه من تشاد وانني رايت دب قطبي كبير من تشاد وانني رايت دب قطبي كبير من تشاد وانت مستلقيا على سيدنا من


Since March Updating, It’s even harder than 200,000 before since it remove private videos. Now it usually needs 250,000 or more to get only 100,000 videos. Team should discuss this soon. More and more creator have stopped creating since TikTok seems don’t want to give money to creators now.


It is sad to hear this, but I firmly believe that something will change. tiktok administrators will hear our voice and give us what we deserve. It is really hard to make effects, it takes me 1 day, we have very good ideas, artists should not think about money, they should get what they deserve, please vote, let’s change something.


I can’t even get 10k videos per effect. Monetization stopped working months ago.


The monetization limit and the 90-day limit should be removed completely. Effects should be treated the same as the Creativity Program, if not better.


I totally agree. I’m already completely unmotivated to continue making games for tiktok, if things don’t change I’m going to leave.


I still don’t understand why monetization has a limit or a time constraint. Any game or visual effect that doesn’t reach a hundred thousand videos seems like a waste of time to me.


I personally think that there should be no requirement or very little if there needs to be one(1k - 10k).
its like the market has become too saturated, I’ve made 40ish games now and only two have hit the milestone of 100k. Something needs to change or I can see many people leaving, some games can take a while to make and its just not worth putting the time in. I also think that we should get something on the views the filters gets when someone uses it.


I agree with you, the 90 days nonsense and the 100 thousand limit is ridiculous, I will quit soon, if tiktok does not give us what we deserve, I have a family to take care of and bills to pay, the effects we make get 1 million impressions, we make interaction, we connect people to the platform, we entertain them, but at the end of the day we have nothing, I hope the administrators hear our voices and give us our rights.


বালো বাসী একটা পাগলিকে আর পাগলিটাতো আমার খবর রাখেনা


That is true. I feel the same. I quit my job to dedicate myself to Effect House, and now it’s almost impossible to monetize.


About 230K videos use my effects, but only 40k have qualified and there are 30 days left. I almost gave up, I could barely even pay the electricity bill. It seems like I will never enjoy a penny from all this hard work.


This is a graph of “The maximum number of effect posts I released that month.”

My effect suddenly stopped being used in January 2024. I haven’t received a single dollar this year.

If my effect is not interesting, I will make an effort. However, if the effect is no longer being used due to a change in TikTok’s algorithm, it should be fixed immediately.


Quiero 3000 dolares porfa


I dont think there should be a limit? Or at max 1000. And maybe have some reward for all views too. I have millions of views of videos that use my effects and dont get anything for that.


Agreed. The first effect I created went viral immediately its only been up since June 16 and I’m sitting at 44,242,719 views 15,000 posts and that’s out of date analytics so I don’t know what the true number even is. The trend that all these creators are posting with specifically makes use of my filter so it’s frustrating to see them get rewarded for their views when I don’t receive anything because it was my first effect and I’m only a silver creator. :sob: