What's happening with monetization?

I quit my job to dedicate myself to effect house, because I was earning a fortune. However, in the last few weeks it has been absolutely impossible to monetize. Before that I could get millions of posts with my effects, now it’s very difficult to reach 10k. Absolutely everything I do no longer comes close to monetizing. If I, the one who has already earned the maximum monthly monetization, am having this problem, I imagine that other creators are in a worse situation.

@Cristiano_Bartel You are Right but don’t quit just wait for better i am not a team member but i am also reach near the diamond badge i am also upset with this system and now mingus also not responding anymore i will advise you just wait for better time so dont quit just wait for best time again…


ok you are right but donot

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expensive @Cristiano_Bartel this is not a problem but a real system :wink:


idk what’s happening but its not good for both old and new creators


This is ridiculous.A creator who could get high fortune now even goes to zero. The team should explain this.


That’s true. The thing is the problem isn’t just about monetization but how much our efforts are getting enough reach and recognition. Something changed and I hope it gets fixed.


My field is an animation maker. since I saw you. I finally joined. what you say is correct. I have also experienced many disappointments. But I am still patient because my hobby is making animations and distributing them on TikTok. I love Tiktok, and my advice is we be patient. Our request is also for Pakistan to be included in the category of countries that meet the requirements for receiving rewards. They Still Ignore. Greetings, I thank you for speaking up.


Bro, I hope you can fight for Pakistan to be included in the category of being worthy of a reward


:pray: :pray: I will not try for selfish peoples because of I was trained 5-6 people and teach them effecthouse. when they was learn effecthouse they support me. now after the learn they are not support me to monetize effecthosue now i decided that i will not help anyone esicialy Pakistani’es…


Your citizens should be united. I come from Indonesia and feel caring. how could they not care


:joy: :joy: i don’t know and did not went hahaha because of i m Muslim and always thank full to Allah almighty. He helping me always… :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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Can you Guide me how can i earn money using effect house?

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I’m new here, already I’m seeing negative comments

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Pensé que yo era el único, que me había dado de cuenta de esto hay muchos con el mismo problema. antes tenia mas alcance los filtro ya últimamente si llegan a 1000 video he incluso a 10k es mucho. esa meta de monetizar de 200k era una exageración ahora lo bajaron a 100k y aun así es demasiado espero y allá un cambie urgente en esta problemática saludos :vulcan_salute:t3:

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Can you Guide me how can i earn money using effect house

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for this information

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Yes its hard to reach a large audience ! I discovered that all the effects I created are not searchable even you type the exact name so I don’t know How people will find out about them!!
filled a ticket and waiting if this issue will be fixed


create unique name and share with monetizers for monetization of effects.

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Yes I do created unique name but even with that you won’t find anyone! what do you mean by monetizers?

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