My Effect review is taking too long

Hi All,

My effects are not getting reviewed. I have already submitted my effect an updated version, it has been taking for a week now. Can somebody help check on this? :frowning: I hope I can make it before the deadline of “Happy 2024 Challenge”. :sob:

Effect Id:

  1. r7XUwnkv6VQgB8WKpswFkn
  2. 7K7oPDNF1DuRKkgYaJSMvT


Hi @Hikari_Studios! Have you reached out to our support team using this form?


Yes I did, I sent the form twice. May I know if is it working for you? You may share your effect reviewing experience with me. I’m interested to know if this form works :thinking: :thinking:



@Hikari_Studios I work at Effect House, so do not use that form myself, but I will follow up with the team on the recieving end for you :running_man: :dash:

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