Is anyone else having issues publishing effects today? It seems like everything I’ve posted today has had issues. Just wondering if it’s me, or there’s something going on today. I’ve tried 4 or 5 different effects, and have been turned down constantly throughout the day.
I have uploaded some filters a few times and keep receiving a “need srevision” response. I don; know what I could possibly revise as I meet requirements.
I went back and revisited some of the projects and found some minor issues that I should of caught.
→ .png size was over the 1mb limit was to large in my first makeup attempt xD
→ When using over 4 face insets use lowest quality for performance
→ Don’t duplicate a full 3D object that’s imported with joints(can’t use the same name for joints I believe)
It was definitely an off day, hopefully today turns around
Update: Some of them were published, others are still having issues. I didn’t change anything, so it must be a server issue. Hopefully we’ll be completely up and running soon.
Sorry been busy with work not really been on here, my effects did end up publishing after about a week. but keeps happing got a few now what are being reviewed for few days now. Must be something with the system as i think they must be getting a lot of submissions