Has anyone experienced problems like An error occurred when I tried to claim the badge increase bonus, how do I solve it? I’ve emailed the support feedback email and there’s still no reply.
Hi @anon25291536! To clarify, when trying to claim your badge an error message appears?
i got the same problem, it said said that " Can’t update badge information
We’ve detected some unusual behaviors in your account. Please contact us through TikTok Feedback Form or try again later."
Can you help me to solve this problem
Hi @nguyendang02. Did you try the feedback form?
yes i had send feedback but have not gotten reply.
my effect house channel is TikTok - Make Your Day. can you help me to solve this problem
Sama saya juga mengalami tapi tdk ada tanggapan
Kalau di saya tidak ada keterangan eror pak @Mingus saya orang yg rajin membuat efek dan mempromokan efek saya di YouTube, facebook dan mengajak saudara saya untuk dukung program efek house . Saya mohon di bantu pak @Mingus jika ada kesalahan mohon beritahu saya siap perbaiki. Terima kasih sukses untuk pak @Mingus terjadi eror itu ketika tiktokshop di buka kembali. Saya memang terdaftar di tiktok shop. Tapi saya udh lama tdk menggunakan tiktok shop. Justru saya ingin unreg dari tiktok shop tapi saya bingung cara nya.
@Kreatorefek This forum is only for answering questions about TikTok effects
Please help me, i cant found any solution
Effect house has not forum for solution
Has anyone experienced problems like An error occurred when I tried to claim the badge increase bonus, how do I solve it? I’ve emailed the support feedback email and there’s still no reply sir @Mingus my channel TikTok - Make Your Day
I have reported this problem for 2 months, sir @Mingus thx u
Hi @Aldiefek! What badge are you trying to claim? What error is it showing you?
It’s been 2 months since I reported it to the application, the effects house and the community. Even problems like this have the effect that the information is not available and it hasn’t been resolved sir @Mingus ini ada keterangan tidak tersedia. Terima kasih
Tidak ada keterangan
Same here. Two months in a row. Exceeded the requirements, but still no payment. Come on Tiktok
@Aldiefek you update your application from playstore?
Soal itu sudah saya lakukan. Tapi tidak ada perubahaan