Hello Team Effect House /Tiktok
i have completed my task for final badge of effect house. But system not update or something wrong with the system. i completed effecthouse task that we need 3 effects on 1 Millions. now i am unable to collect diamond badge please check this issue and resolve as well as. @admins @Mingus @EffectHouse @Greg @vanessa.intan @magicalcelery @EHArchi
my tiktok id Asifmehmoodarif
Gmail ID asifarif298@gmail.com
Congratulation bro! your pic made me happy! at least I saw it takes time to reach your goals! I hope your issue will be soon solved
team effecthouse sleeping now and not checking this tick and i think this issue will not be resolved.
we are working hard to bring success effecthouse they are just putting us down and ignore i am working on effecthouse since 1 year but sad with their behaviors. @Mingus still waiting for response sir???
@EffectHouse @Mingus @admins @EHArchi @Greg @magicalcelery @vanessa.intan Hello team Effect house/ Tiktok this is my 4th day after few hours will be 5th why are you not responding me? you did not went to co operate with me?
i giving you true avoidance for resolve me issue but still you ignore this post why? please check these more detail about my issue and resolve…
i am going to attach more pictures for you and effect which is not counted for diamond badge Rab ul Izat on TikTok go and check detail. i will not let you until you will not resolve my issue…
i submit lot of reports on TikTok Effect House but not get positive answer and also send mail to effect_house_support@tiktok.com
now tell me more way to resolve my issue
@Mingus That is very shameful to you. You are not replying and resolving this issue.
thanks brother for supporting me
@Mingus its mean @AsifmehmoodBajwa01 You waste your one year in effecthouse? if senior persons and respectable person not get solution we are new here and i don’t like to waste my time there… so good bye effecthouse. A person who waste his one year to getting diamond badge when the complete his task. when three effect reached one millions qualified videos now effecthouse team not responding him. that is so sad and unbelievable.
boy don’t leave now wait for short time me and my team guys will leave after the 30 April so don’t leave now still wait for my response I have 34 boys team. we are working together for creativity. just wait… thanks for supporting me. love you bro
for supporting me and thank you so much keep help each others