Does Effect House have limit to the numbers of effect you can publish in a week?

I started making effects since last week and I realized that sometimes they just leave your effect on under review status for almost a week for no reason. ( I just withdrew the effect after a week of waiting to be approved. )
When I republished the effect on another account it went through so I dont know their standard of putting effect under review for so long.

This time I have been publishing a new filter everyday and I have 4 filters published. But after that, nothing is going through and it is still under review for days. This is so frustrating…

Does anybody know what effect house does this?

bonsoir grae, moi aussi j ai le meme probleme…!

Bonjour! If you are also having the same problem, I guess it is just the system’s problem?
Its so underwhelming when publishing gets delayed and your whole contents get delayed as well :smiling_face_with_tear:

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