Use microphone input


I’m trying to figure out how you can use the user’s voice/microphone input for audio nodes like pitch and animal sound detection. I’ve been searching for days but I can’t find it.

Some help would be appreciated. :slight_smile:

Kind regards,

I’m investigating the same thing, since I don’t immediately see a solution either. I know there are many detection nodes where you can get info about an audio source (pitch, volume, even specifically animal sounds too) but I can’t see where I can specifically select the user’s microphone as the source for these detection nodes. I only see how this would work with pre-recorded and uploaded sounds.

I’ll post here if I learn anything new.


I’m 90% sure it’s only available to members of the diamond creator program as they get early access to effect house features.


I came back to say the same thing. Based on what I have seen, only those after a certain threshold (likely the badges) get access to it. Whelp, gotta keep on making effects!