ONE PERSON QUIZ: How can I set the effect to show questions only once?

I need to use this filter for 60-sec video (setting timer to 50-sec)

The timer is set but once all the questions are answered before 50-sec, it repeats all the questions till 50-sec timer reached however it should stop that timer if all questions are answered before 50-sec and show the score.

I was about to answer and noticed that someone has already answered this in the discord at the link you provided :+1:, let me know if that works for you

hey i have the same issues how to fix it? i can’t open the discord link

You can add a variable in the items, I named in “AnsweredQuestions”

And you can copy the additional visual scripting here. Let us know if you have any questions!

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Can you provide step-by-step instructions or any reference video if available, pls recommend…
Still learning EH

Thanks for your visual script. It works well. However, I encountered an issue where the game seems to end, but when I tilt my head, the score still increases even though the questions and answers are no longer displayed. I believe this is because the timer is still running. When I waited for the timer to finish, the game truly ended, and the score stopped counting when I tilted my head.

I tried setting the timer to 0 when the questions run out, but that didn’t work. Could you share your solution for this issue?

Thanks in advance.