To fix:
Resolution changes + pausing effect (whilst the video behind still plays) AFTER using the ‘Create icon’
Effect won’t play if camera is switched to from a paused state when using stock videos (pause stock video → switch to camera feed → fail to unpause effect despite video feed still playing)
Hard to reproduce, but sometimes effects restart when preview video loops
New feature requests:
Either allow for pausing live webcam feed (pause would freeze on the latest frame, resume would re-enable the camera)
OR grey out the pause button when in webcam mode
Allow holding of ALT / CONTROL for multi-finger gestures whilst testing e.g. holding ALT whilst dragging up from the center of the preview would be a zoom — and to make this visually obvious…
Show interaction feedback e.g. circle whilst clicking / dragging
Show accurate UI / safe areas — as the current UI overlay doesn’t reflect common app UI sizing (even though multiple phone models are provided)
Record button does impact the Recording node (yay for this!) but doesn’t impact the Utility → Enable for component (boo!)
When adding own media to preview, please make the resolution rules clear immediately OR convert the resolution (understand this is harder — but remember most people record higher res video!)
Remember the camera selection between EH sessions! e.g. for those who use OBS, it is chosen by default!