Effect creativity rewards dashboard problem

team effect house
i am working for tiktok and i have issue with some effect but i am asking your fist about this effect name Flash Photo 01 and Effect ID axnCfovguf4mMzSidT4RiH
No of videos posts with this effect on effect manage showing Posts 935,554 when i check this on effect creativity rewards program dashboard showing 30,617 posts. when i report about this on TikTok Effect House i got answer that Not all videos are qualified for Effect Creator Rewards. Please reference the following article to see if your videos are eligible for creator rewards FAQ: Effect Creator Rewards | Learn | TikTok Effect House

Thank you,
The TikTok Team
when i learn this article no issue finding about me please check this issue until my effect date expire and i lose another reward @Mingus my Tiktok Id @asifmehmoodarif my gmail: Asifarif298@gmail.com