Hi Kreatorefek,
Your effect “Sholawat Nabi V2” was taken down due to a technical issue on TikTok. It will be restored once the issue is fixed. Please do not resubmit your effect until then.
If you believe this was an error, you can file a support ticket here.
sangat tidak jelas
Hello, I had the same problem with a filter, after less than 24 hours it was successfully restored. Wait and don’t try to repost the effect.
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Sudah hampir 1 bulan pak @Mingus efek saya belum pulih. Jika ada kesalahan di kompenen saya bisa perbaiki. Saya udh beberapa kali melaporkan by email masalah. Saya percaya tiktok dan anda orang yg sangat profesional saya yg lemah ini meminta bantuan pak @Mingus