Need a script is not equal

hello sir @Mingus i am working for game effect i have complete but i need a logic like un equal how will be possible please tell me. i will be very thankful to you if you help me. please check below picture.

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Hi @AsifmehmoodBajwa01! Have you tried using an If node? You can use True if it’s equal and False if it’s not.


sir i use this script but not working please help me for correct script i will be very thankful to you

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for this effect

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Hi @AsifmehmoodBajwa01! From your screenshot, it looks good to me. Are the dots next to Set and Enter flashing as you would expect?

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Sir @Mingus all right but i went to set game end how it will be possible as i mentioned you in a effect game please check this effect β„Œπ”¦π”± 𝔧𝔒𝔱 πŸš€& ✈️ on TikTok
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