I would love to see a makeup filter not just for face but one that can smooth out the face and chest area. I tried but I can’t seem to get anywhere with it.
I did it for you , not only for face also the Neck, chest , hands .attached below
try it , let me know your thoughts if any
kind regards,
omg, thank you I will try
How do I open it up. So many files. which do I need. Sorry I don’t know so much about this
Hi there, I think I have it open and I’m going to make adjustments so this is wonderful. Are you on Tiktok I would love to follow you.
Hi ,
sorry for the late response , I didn’t get a notification .
you need Effect house installed , then unzip the file there will be an exe file has effect house software icon , click it slight_smile:
Hi ,
you can customize it to fit your needs , yes I’m on Tiktok I make effects , this is my account