It there a way to create instructions for users?

Hi there, I would like to create some instructions for the users of my effect, for example: Find a Face, Nod your head, and so on. I couldn’t really find anything in the docs, so I am asking here:

  1. Can I add instructions that translate based on the user’s device language?
  2. Can I add at least a 2D text in the effect? (I couldn’t really find an option to add text, so I guess I can only do it using images)

Thank you in advance!


Hi @Marketa_Machova975! You can add instructions, which we refer to as “hints”. After you click Submit, you’ll be asked to select a hint. These hints will translate based on the region they’re seen in. If you can’t find the hint you want there, you can always add your own text using a Screen Image.


Another suggestion, if you use the screen image method that Mingus mentioned, you could add a video record node and set the image’s visibility off when it’s triggered so that way it won’t be visible in the user’s video. In addition, you could try using a “Wait for seconds” node to turn off the instructions or turn them off when a certain trigger is detected, so the effect still works just in case the user doesn’t record the video.


Ko Vishwas share Karen

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I’ml be there lg in fpb try n to jcp

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