I made 3 effects that show in the app but not in the phone

I made this 3 examples that I recorded, I uploaded them but dont work, in the phone only work sometimes…

Hi @Florencia_Raffa! These look great. To confirm, the three videos you shared above are all taken using the preview panel? What do they look like when they’re not working?

Yes, I use the recording video that you can make in the eh app. in the phone I can use sometimes and sometimes no. I try to remake it and the same happened. Sometimes also (the cloudy body) not show anything.

Only one is online now., the other are rejected but I use the same file only change the texture so I think the reject maybe is for a problem on the robot due all have the same.

This is the online Cloudy Body on TikTok
This are rejected:
ID nT92rVyxfMQjPs2td9iXqC
ID vW5M5pk4LPWwm2tSyRHC3j

@Florencia_Raffa Thanks for sharing! Would you be willing to share all three project files with me to further investigate? I will send you a message on the forum.

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@Florencia_Raffa I took a look at your package smoky cloud project.
I think the performance of the effect is causing issues with the rendering.
Avatar3D is a very heavy feature, so running a lot of particles at the same time might be too much.
My quick recommendations are to reduce your total particle capacity down to 10K to 20K. So if you set your main spawn to 2K and your spawnGPU to 10K, your total capacity would be 12K.
One way to increase performance would be to shift from Avatar3D to Portrait Segmentation, but I think the smoke attached to the arms is really fun.
Another complicated optimization would be to destroy particles that are on the back side of the mesh. I haven’t tried this before, so I am not sure what it would do to you smoke density and performance.

Let me know if you need more details on any of these optimizations. :smiley:


Hey I made something from sratch and now it work…I deleted the other message due I was using my last project and still not working…but now I made from scratch and reduce the spawn like you say and work!

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Awesome! Looks good!

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yesss Im so happy are the 3 online now!!!

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