How to change user name

I want to change my user name on this forum,
please tell me how? @Mingus @Greg @magicalcelery @Xiaoke

Hi @frankcussonfx! If you click your profile photo in the top-right, you should see the icon for “Profile” at the bottom. Once you click that, go to the Preferences tab. You can change your username there.

In the future, there’s no need to tag all of us. We see every new message :fist_right: :fist_left:


ok thanks you and sorry for the mass tragging

Hi @Mingus so i follow the steps you gave me but no option to change the user name
see below screen shot

It looks like your window to change your name has expired. What do you want to change it to?

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same as the full name field:

Please and thank you


Hi Mingus,

Could you please help me change my username to VisualReszka?

Please and thank you, if that’s possible! :pray: