Fusion Failed not working problem any type image check but same problem
Hi @Sajid_Ali_Kasuri! Is it failing for you in the app or on desktop? Do the images you are using have a clear face in them? Is there a face on camera when the fusion is starting?
Thanks Its Working but i am uploaded short and not working how use
Sorry but I don’t understand the question. Are you able to clarify?
My face fusion was completely ok, I also did a test and it was working properly, like when I made it public and after that I did a video of the try, then it got the fail option.
Is the effect live? Does it fail every time you try to use it?
yes i am try 10 time but same problem
The effect is live on TikTok? You can provide me a link to the effect?
its working Thanks
one more problem I am created game its not working
effect link
The Face Fusion is now working?
yes its working now
plz check game effect problem (effect not available) problem
@Sajid_Ali_Kasuri If you’re unable to access your effect, please reach out using this form.
How’s it failing are you using a desktop
Hello, On testing I use Face Fusion and when I play effecto to check, I get “Fusion Failed” 1 of 10 times, Is posible catch info when fusion efect fail? Animated textura info always have the same info when is ok and when fail. How capture the fail event?
The fusion failed on live tiktok, how I check if fusion failed was trigger on visual script?? I need to use other way when it is showing
1234[date=2024-05-24 timezone=“Africa/Addis_Ababa”]oromiya
Hi, how did you solve the"fusion failed", what was the problem?