Download Effect House with Visual Effects Editor Beta

Thanks for joining the onboarding call today!

Download Effect House with Visual Effects Editor Beta here:


Click here to access our documentation for the beta, including example projects.

As a reminder, a few housekeeping notes:

  • You’re free to publish effects and videos about the beta during the program.

  • We do not recommend using beta software for any important client projects.

  • Please share effects you create in the Beta Chat channel. We will be promoting our favorite effects from the beta in TikTok.

  • Please post about bugs in the Beta Bugs channel of our forum.


Good day sir, How can I Join in the Zoom meeting?

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Hi @Muff_Animations :archi_happy: The meeting happened earlier today but we will share a recording to it soon!


Hi Mingus, I just downloaded Effect House v3.8.1 but it seems I don’t have the Visual Effects component. Could it have something to do with the system requirements? Maybe my Mac doesn’t meet the requirements?

@Damola_Rufai Did you download your version from the Intel link above?

Yes I did
Screen Shot 2024-02-02 at 8.02.33 PM

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@Damola_Rufai I have confirmed that the Intel build contains VFX. It could be due to the fact that your machine’s specs do not meet our minimum requirements. I can’t promise it will resolve your issue, but you could try:

  1. Quit Effect House
  2. Go to ~/Library/Application Support
  3. Delete the EffectHouse folder
  4. Reopen the above build
  5. Login again
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Thanks Mingus, tried it but it didn’t work unfortunately. Oh well, guess I have to upgrade at some point.

It unfortunately seems your computer is then unable to support VFX

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Hey @Mingus ! I’m not able to open this new version of EH either… the icon shows that it’s open but no window pops up. I’m on a maabook pro running ventura 13.4.1

@Alexis Hm :thinking: Have you tried clearing your EffectHouse application folder and opening it again (Note that this will remove any preview videos you’ve added)?

  1. Quit Effect House
  2. Go to ~/Library/Application Support
  3. Delete the EffectHouse folder
  4. Reopen the above build
  5. Login again

Helloo, It seems I’m having the same issue as Alexis. Effect House looks open but no window shows up. I closed and reopened, deleted and installed but nothing worked.

I was able to open and create the effect on the demo day. But now I can’t it’s weird.
Is there any solution for this already? :smiling_face_with_tear:

Hi @Hrnktrk! Did you try clearing your EffectHouse folder in Application Support?

  1. Quit Effect House
  2. Go to ~/Library/Application Support
  3. Delete the EffectHouse folder
  4. Reopen the above build
  5. Login again

@Hrnktrk Did you also try restarting your machine?

I tried them all, didn’t work but I updated the OS now and it works :partying_face:
Thank youu :sparkles:


@Hrnktrk Please also be sure to use these updated builds going forward :pray:


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Hello! I think I missed it, but is there no beta for those of us who use Ryzen? (windows)

@Pablinsky The beta is currently only available for Macs

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