OCT. 29/2024
New update. Every single file in a folder I had for all effect house projects to be organized in now has .extra.installbak4.7.2_up40097 added onto the end of it.
Now that everything is broken - do I rebuild projects or go into every single folder and directory and change each file name by hand. I can CMD them but it is still just as tedious as hand selecting.
Figured it out through command line.
Open you base folder in cmd.
paste the following in this order (for future victims you can adjust per “.” extension that has been added to every single one of your assets).
for /r %x in (*.2_up40097) do ren “%x” *.
for /r %x in (*.7) do ren “%x” *.
for /r %x in (*.installbak4) do ren “%x” *.
every single one of your assets in the affected folder and subfolders should be back to their normal extensions.
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